Important exam oriented question of Digital Logic.

Binary systems 1. Differentiate between Analog and Digital system. What are the advantages of digital system. 2. What is digital computer?   Explain working principle of digital computer with block diagram. 3. What do you mean by the Gray code? What are its application? 4. What is decimal code? Differentiate between BCD and excess-3 code. 5.  Explain the error detection code with example. 6. Convert the following decimal numbers to the indicated bases. (a) 7562.45 to octal (b) 1938.257 to hexadecimal (c) 175.175 to binary 7.Convert the following hexadecimal number to decimal and octal numbers (a)  0 FFF (b)  3 FFF 8.Subtract (1010100 - 1000100) using 1’s complement. 9.Using 2’s complement, subtract (1000100-1010100). Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates 1. State and prove commutative laws, associative laws and distributive law using logic gate and truth table. 2. What do you mean by Universal gate?   Show that both NAND gate and NOR gate are...

Important exam oriented questions of Web Technology


1. What is internet? How is it different from intranet? Explain with suitable example.

2. What is WWW? Differentiate between web client and web server.

3.  What is client/server technology? Discuss Internet as a client/server technology.

4. Write short notes on various services offered by the Internet.

5. Describe client server architecture with its types (2-tier, 3-tier and n-tier).

6. What is HTTP? Discuss its function in brief.  State the difference between HTTP Request and


7. What is Client Side Scripting? Compare it with Server Side Scripting.


1.  Explain the structure of HTML file with example.

2. What is HTML? Differentiate between "get" and "post" methods used to send form data.

3.  How can you draw a table in HTML?  What are the tags and attributes for a table in HTML document? Discuss with suitable example.

4. Write an HTML code to display the following:

5. What is HTML event? Explain any  four events with suitable example.

6. What is list? Compare Ordered, Unordered and Definition list. 

7. What are the attributes for HTML form? Compare ID attributes and Class Attributes of HTML Elements

8.  What are the visibility and display properties of HTML elements? Explain with example.

9. Write a HTML script to insert audio file in a HTML page? Use the controls and autoplay properties.

10. What is meta tag in HTML? Explain HTML text formatting tags with example

1. Define CSS.  How is HTML different from CSS? Explain three different ways for inserting CSS code into an HTML file with suitable example.

2. Write a HTML page for adding following style to the following HTML elements:
    a) HI tag color has to green, and underlined.
    b) p has to be enclosed in a border with groove and text font style italics, font family Helvetica, font size 15pt, font color red.
    c) Unordered list color Blue and text bold.
    Add these features in an external CSS file and then refer this file in the HTML document.

3. Discuss about normal flow box layout in CSS and also discuss about positioning in CSS.

4. What is CSS selector? Compare id selector with class selector.

5. Explain with example the basic concept of cascading and inheritance in CSS.

6. Write a HTML script containing use of media query for changing the background-color of html page to black if the viewport is 600 pixels wide or more than that otherwise if the viewport is less than 500 pixels, the background-color should be changed to red.

7. Explain the concept of padding and margin with suitable example.

8. Why media queries are used while designing web pages? Explain CSS3 media types.

Client Side Scripting with JavaScript
1. Write a JavaScript code to create an array of elements {csit, it, bca, bim}. Display the array in body of HTML.

2. Explain the need of having a scripting language while building a web page.

3. Mention the syntax for adding a java script in a HTML page. Make a HTML page for taking value in a text box, two checkboxes "square" and "double" and a text box showing the result. Validate the form elements using Java Script.

4.  How can you define event handler? Write a JavaScript to demonstrate event handling.

5. What do you mean by cookie? Write a Javascript code to handle cookie?

6. Explain various operators and data types available in java scripts.

7. Explain Document Object Model with suitable examples and code.

8. Discuss different types of jQuery Selectors with examples.

9. Write a simple client side script to set and retrieve cookies.

10. Explain about object, methods and events in Java Script.

11. Write a JavaScript that scrolls a text message in the status bar of the browser window.

12. Discuss AJAX architecture and compare it with DOM.

13. Design a form containing text box for username, password field for password, radio button for gender and checkbox for hobbies. Write a program for  client-side validation of the form for the username and password field as required fields, length of username should be 5, the radio button and checkbox should be checked.

1. Differentiate between XML and HTML. Mention the properties, Syntax rules of XML documents and how it is differentiated as "well-formed" and "valid" XML document.

2. Mention the element naming and attribute rules of XML with an example.

3. What are the drawbacks of HTML? How are they addressed in XML?

4. What is XML namespace? When the namespace is called in XML? Why?

5.  Explain the XML syntax and structure rules. 

6. Compare XML schema with DTD. Give a note on need and applications of XML.

7. Define XML schema. Write an XML schema to describe “address” as an element and “city, state, street and house-no” as its attributes.

8.  What is DTD? How attributes and elements are defined in a DTD? Illustrate with an example.

9. Why is it important to specify a DTD for an XML document? Differentiate between  private external declaration of DTD and public external declaration of DTD.

10. Write internal and external DTD to describe "mail" as a root element and "to", "from", and "subject", and "message" as child elements.

11.  Create a small XML file designed to contain information about student performance on a module. Each student has a name, roll no, a subject mark and an exam mark.

12. Define XQuery? Compare XSD Simple Types and XSD Complex Types.

13.  What is the use of XSLT? Create a XML file with elements and elements having attributes. Write the equivalent XSLT of the XML for rendering as a HTML document in a browser.

14. Why do we need XSLT? Explain XSL <xls:for-each> element and XSL<xsl:if> element.

15.  How to transform XML documents to others forms? Explain.

Server Side Scripting using PHP
1.  Why do we need session? Write a PHP script that illustrates handling of session.

2. Differentiate cookies from session variables. Write a PHP script that illustrates handling of cookie.

3. Write down the steps for connecting the PHP application with MySQL server. Create a PHP application for registering the "wishers" with their ID and password and taking their 'WishList". The WishList will consists of the widhID, widhDescription and wishDuedate (yymmdd). Suitable tables must be created at the backend. On the userfront, the application should ask the user for his credentials and proper validation must be performed. If the credentials are valid, the user must be redirected to the next PHP page where he is required to enter his wish and its due date. 

4. Write an example of PHP script to update data in the database.

5. Write a PHP code to insert data in the database.

6. Write PHP code to select data stored in the database.

7.  Construct a web page that takes name, address, and phone number from the user and stores this information in the database using PHP script and displays those contents from the database.

8. Write a PHP program to print reverse of any string.

9. Prepare a form that should contain text box for name and email, selection list for country. Write a server side script to store data from the form into database. The script should contain connection to database and appropriate query into the database.

10. How can you create class and objects in PHP. Write short notes on CodeIgniter.

11. How can we use Wordpress to design web pages? Explain in brief.

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